Jodi M Noord, Icon, Blog

A Travel Blog

Recently my husband took a short term job with Vermeer in Goes, Netherlands.  This is a big adventure for us mid-western Americans!  I have amended an old blog page I used a few years ago to keep friends and family updated about our life here.  I will update periodically.  Take care everyone!  We miss you!

To read the most recent Blog, click below:

Castle of Ghent

Food Highlight

Jodi M Noord Belgium Waffel

10/12/24   Last weekend we went to Ghent, Belgium for the weekend.  And of course, we had to indulge in a Belgian waffle. (When in Rome…)  Jeremy and I stopped for lunch at a little cafe downtown and each got a waffle of our choice.  I chose the cherries and ice cream.  Jeremy went for the chocolate.  Such a fun treat!

Jodi M Noord Zierikzee

Zierikzee, Zeeland

A Dutch Discovery


Off Shore Wind Turbines

This isn’t a much of a cultural discovery, but instead something I just didn’t know about.  

We were taking off from Amsterdam toward the U.K. in an airplane, and flew over a curious site.  There are wind turbines in the ocean!  I am used to seeing them in the fields in both Iowa and Zeeland, but I didn’t know mankind put them in the ocean!  Below is a picture of the many wind turbines implanted into the ocean floor.  These turbines are just a few miles off the shore of Amsterdam.  This is only one group of them.  I saw probably 3 or 4 groups of turbines in that area. So amazing!  How do they drill them into sand so that they stay put?  That water is a powerful force around them!  I was just in awe.  I learn something new every day. 

Jodi M Noord Windpower mills
Jodi M Noord Middelburg Bike Path

This sign made me smile. The city was working on the bike path that leads to Middelburg, so they were indicating an alternate route.  Keep in mind, Middelburg is about 20 minutes away on the highway by car. So this bike path sign tells me that people bike to Middelburg often, probably on a daily basis.  So un-american. 🙂  At least they have a path designated for bikes!  Much safer!

Recent Weather

10/12/24 – We can definitely tell that we are inching toward winter.  Much more rain has frequented Goes.  The temp in Fahrenheit has been around 60 for a high, high 40s and low 50s for the lows. I am told that most of winter is overcast and rainy.  It doesn’t get very cold though, high 30s for a low.  We will see.