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A Chinese Adventure- Hosting An Exchange Student

A Chinese adventure will soon arrive!  But can a family of “home is our haven” types turn into hospitable characters?  We shall see.  Just the fact that we considered opening our home to a foreign exchange student stretched us beyond our normal.  We may be new persons by the time the next school year ends.


Three years ago, when my son entered his freshman year of high school, we heard about the school’s foreign exchange program.  My husband and I talked then about how we might enjoy hosting a student from another country.  But hosting meant changing a few things about our house and creating space for a “third child,” things that are fun to talk about and less fun to do.  So we put it off.  More talk ensued.  Finally this winter my husband made work of the house projects needed and put our application in to host.

Cold Feet

I have to admit that I panicked a little after he applied to be a host family.  I value my alone and family time at home.  My house acts as an abode, a place I come to rejuvenate and recharge before going out into society again.  I don’t particularly enjoy having to entertain another person inside my own home.  And I believe my unsocial attitude has rubbed off on the rest of my family.  None of us love having company over to our house.

Jumping In

I trudge ahead in faith.  The woman in charge of the school’s exchange program comes over to chat with us and I feel a little more at ease, even a little excitement at the possibilities.  We could make a difference in a teen’s life, give him an opportunity like no other.  Will it be all fun and games- no.  There could be language barriers, cultural differences and personality conflicts.  But very open communication and open acceptance plants seeds that this person will always remember.

Trudging on further… the school assigns us a freshman student from China.  We were given his profile to look over-  personal info, hobbies, school activities.  Soon we set up a time to Skype with him and his family, and meeting them settles any remaining anxiety.  His parents seem caring and respectful, and our student seems quiet and polite.  More excitement follows as we continue to move furniture around in preparation for the additional person who now has a face and a name.

A Good Feeling

And I think we all feel good about it.  We know where his space will be and his role in our household.  My family possesses a little nervousness and a lot of positive enthusiasm about our new adventure.  Is it weird that I care about this kid already?  A child born a world away in a culture I know nothing about?  Hopefully I am not looking ahead with rose colored glasses, but I have a strong feeling that he will feel comfortable here and we will be comfortable having him.  He will turn into part of our life, our daily routine for a school year come the good and possibly not so good.  We have to address issues with each other already.  Why not add one more to the mix?  We are committed to this host family role.

And maybe my family will turn into hospitable souls yet.

More to come in regards to our new adventure.


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Mom’s Spring Break Flu




Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.