Every once in a while I am hit by something I hear or read. The hit seems like a new idea. Sometimes it is new, sometimes it is an old idea refreshed in my mind, and sometimes I just see old ideas from a new angle.
I am not sure what category this idea falls into. Our GEMS group at church has been reading through a study called Beautiful Encounters by Erin Davis. Our latest lesson touches on the Easter theme and hit me hard. In other words, one of the points stuck in my mind for days, so much that I have to write it out and share it. Since Easter arrives in less than 2 weeks, now is the perfect time for sharing.
Beautiful Encounters
Erin shares some historical facts about past religious leaders (I love history) and then compared their life endings to Jesus’. She writes this:
- Buddha’s body was cremated and placed into relics.
- Muhammad is buried in a mosque in Saudi Arabia.
- Founder of Scientology was cremated and his ashes scattered in the ocean.
- The central figure of Rastafarianism is interred in a cathedral in Ethiopia.
- In contrast, tourists who visit the tomb of Jesus will find that it is empty.
Consider how history would be different if Jesus had not risen from the dead.
How would history be different? I love considering the physical human side of spiritual events. We usually look at the faith side or spiritual side of Biblical events in order to learn how to live in a close relationship with God today. This kind of study is mental, emotional, relational. But Jesus existed as a human who walked the earth just like the other leaders listed above. Historians not associated with Biblical writings have documented it. This kind of study is tangible, physical, and embodied. And this makes me smile.
In a physical way, Jesus lived equally to the other leaders. All of them lived and most likely traveled to get their message to the public. They all slept, ate, breathed and grew tired. And I am assuming all were passionate about their beliefs, since they went down in history as promoting their individual doctrines.
But one of the lives ends very differently. Even if one argues that Jesus’ spiritual ministry falls equal to other spiritual leaders (which I don’t happen to believe), one can’t really argue that his death is the same. No human has seen his dead body or ashes after burial. So again, how would history be different if Jesus had not risen from the dead?
Physical Considerations
In a physical sense, one could argue that he was the same as every other religious leader. He lived, died, was buried and his ashes still remain. Jesus lived as a great inspirational leader, but not divine in any way. He was exactly like you and me. He put his clothes on one arm at a time.
But that is not how things ended for Jesus. He did live, die and was buried…for just a few hours and with a purpose. He loved His created people so much that he made one big sacrifice, one big death in our place. Jesus has the last word over death because He didn’t stay dead like the other leaders. After a few days, he left the tomb and conquered death forever, so that whoever believes in Him may live with him for eternity. And the fact that he rose over death indicates that His entire life was unequal to other religious leaders. He truly wasn’t only an inspirational human with a positive message. He was God.
Spiritual Considerations
And of course, in a spiritual sense, if Jesus had not risen over death history would be gravely different. God wouldn’t have lived a human life here on earth and would not have conquered death in our place. We humans would have to suffer on earth and suffer an eternity without God. We would be putting all of our trust in a historical human instead of an all powerful God. There would be no hope during our lives here on earth. We wouldn’t know where we are going in the future and life would have no meaning. Obviously, if Jesus had not risen from the dead, our life would be no life at all. But that isn’t what happened. Praise God!
Wish I Could Go On and On!
So much could go into this post! I could get into how God promises a Savior soon after sin entered the world. How men who live before Jesus predict his life over and over. I could get into the details of how Jesus dies the weekend of Jewish Passover, signifying the ultimate sacrifice. Or the visible signs of despair that took place the moment Jesus dies. Or how Jesus didn’t leave us high and dry when he goes back to heaven. He leaves us with the Holy Spirit, a piece of Him that protects, guides and nurtures. There are so many significant related topics I could go over, but my post would go on for days. The basics are here. God sent His son to earth as a human to show us how to live, to show us how much God loves us, and to save His created people once and for all if they chose to accept his gracious gift.
This is exciting stuff people! I will wrap it up but the big picture gets me all teary eyed and a bit overwhelmed at God’s faithfulness to His people on earth. Happy Easter All!