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Recognizing Good Ones

We live in a world where the media loves to broadcast the terrible. The actions of intentionally evil people fill our heads and our ears on a daily basis. Human capabilities make us shudder with anger and cry with despair.

Maybe it is because of awful actions that I am sometimes in awe of good people. In comparison to the sadness of the media, hearts of good intention stand out like bright lights. It could be that the definition of “good people” changes slightly from opinion to opinion. But good is still good, and I want to recognize good ones today.

Not until my early 20s did I truly recognize good people. At least, that is when I acknowledged them. I had good people in my life before this point, I just didn’t realize it. Maybe I had to get away from the surroundings I grew up in to see the good. Maybe I needed to experience a wider variety of people. Whatever the reason, I remember the point at which my eyes were opened to well intentioned individuals.

A Small Group From Years Ago

As much as I drug my feet and procrastinated joining a Small Group, my husband and I finally consented. A Small Group is just that, a group of a few people coming from a large group of people. Our Small Group happened to stem from our church, but it could come from any large entity, such as a workplace or a school.

Our Small Group consisted of about 10 people from various stages of life. We were one of two childless young couples in a group with some parents of teens and a single mom. As a group we would study and discuss difficult topics, but also watch the super bowl and go sledding. Such great memories.

Over time of course we grow to know each other well. We vent and laugh and cry and sing and support. And my heart opens to these good people who share the best and most difficult parts of their lives with us. On top of that, they accept us for who we are, an imperfect newly married young couple that really doesn’t know direction or purpose.

At the time I remember being particularly impressed with one of the men in the group. He has a wonderful wife and three teenage children, and his sincere words and actions regarding them catch my attention. I admire his dedication to his family and trust him as one that has good intentions and great character. This kind of respect emerges as a new feeling for me. Up until this point I mostly saw men (other than my hubby) as having ulterior motives, not really meaning what they say. But I remember thinking, “Wow. Evidently honorable and trustworthy men really do exist. He seems to wear his heart on his sleeve and really care about those around him. Maybe there are more of this species in this world.” This experience was a HUGE revelation to me, so big that I remember it 20 years later. Good people.

Most Recent Encounter

I am reminded of this experience because today I again encounter really good people. We accompanied our international student to a lunch with some of his sponsors. These sponsors are business people, ones that don’t have to take special interest in a 15 year old Chinese boy and his host parents. But they invite us to dine with them for 30 minutes, in which time they ask about his school year, his home, his parents and his life in the United States. They don’t grill him, they just politely take an interest in his young life, showing love with their words. I didn’t feel one ounce of hurry, pressure or judgement. Just friendly conversation and genuine interest. Good people.

Obviously I have encountered many good people over the years, but once in a while a certain few get my attention. And I am reminded that the world doesn’t only hold the evil abusers, shooters and purposely violent as the media wants us to think. We are also surrounded by those who truly want what is best for society, their families and the community around them in general. Look for these people. They are the ones that truly make the world go around. They help society to function as smoothly as possible, and model honorable behavior for the next generation.

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Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Myrna J. Folkert

    Hi there Jodi, hopefully I can post on here now. Yes, it’s wonderful to focus on the positive. It reminded me of some good, quality people that I’ve had in my life over the years. Some people just stand out. Thanks!

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