Grandma Inspired
My grandma did lots of reading both during her young years and in her old age. Prevention magazine was one of her favorites because it featured a lot of educational articles about health. Being a nurse during her working years, Grandma found health information fascinating. When I visited her, she often shared what she had read that day, and told me what changes she was making in her life due to the advice of what she had read. She would often end her summary of the day’s article with, “You know, I had never heard this information before, but it is never too late to learn something new. I am always learning, even in my older years. Always learning..”
So, this blog will feature the things I have learned over the years and my thoughts on them. Some thoughts will be obvious information, some will be new information, some will be random with not much take away. But one never knows which of her own thoughts will be new to someone else, or thought provoking to another, or spark a new creative insight for another.
I will return to share a little of what I have learned in life.