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Nature’s Messages- A Loved One Lost

I am sitting out in the country, waiting for my daughter to finish her job of picking corn for a friend’s farm.

I am not a farm girl.  My growing up years didn’t include fields or livestock. But as I sit here listening to both the country sounds and the country quiet, I am reminded of how the outdoor world speaks to us, representing much of what we cannot see.

In so many ways creation teaches and reminds. But today I am going to write about how it represents, particularly those who no longer live with us every day.

Flying Insects Bring Nature’s Messages

That heading sounds less than appealing.  I use it because it covers the broad range of creatures that represent my mom in my mind.

As most people in American culture know, when a person passes away, his or her family receives flowers, plants, and live greenery.  These gifts are for the loved one left behind to take home and find comfort in.

When my mom died, I received many plants that I placed outdoors in my flower bed. I looked at them often and felt peace from their beauty.

The Messengers

On those flowering plants would sit the most beautiful butterflies and similar such creatures. Sometimes the respected monarch, sometimes the impressive swallowtail, and sometimes a cute moth. When I walked close to one of these little fellows, it usually would startle, flying around my head and off into the spring air. I would watch it until I could see it no more, feeling like my mom lingered in my presence, somehow telling me she is with me still.

That summer happened to be prolific with butterflies. Hundreds of them would sit in my flower beds. When I walked past they fluttered around me like confetti on New Year’s Eve. I felt comforted by their presence and cheered by their beauty. I also felt like my mom reassured me through the flying insects.

To this day I think of my mom whenever I see a butterfly, especially if it flutters close to me. The butterfly represents her spirit, it’s wings her freedom, and its beauty her personality. I miss her a tiny bit less because of these flying insects.

Massive Elk Bring Nature’s Messages

Just last week I vacationed with my husband’s family to Colorado. The beauty of the land did not escape me. The vast mountains and overwhelming valleys made a huge impression on me, as it would have my father in law, who passed away 5 months ago. He was a passionate outdoors man, someone who loved nature and obsessed over it’s creatures. One animal that especially caught his attention is the elk.

A Random Stop

While on vacation, his wife, sons and their families decided to stop at a nature center in Rocky Mountain National Park. Outside of the center loomed a cement staircase that climbed to the highest elevation in the park. Our party decided to make the climb so we could claim the status of standing as high above sea level as possible.

We barely started on the path up the incline when I saw antlers above us on the horizon. I said to my sister in law, “Is that a statue at the top?” She said “No, I think those antlers are moving.”  As we continued walking, we studied the pair of antlers as it turned into a full body bull elk at the top of the hill. In a few seconds we saw another bull, and then another, and eventually eight bull elk made their way into our view. They sauntered toward the walking path as if they didn’t have a care, while the crowd gawked in awe.

The majesty of these huge creatures only yards from us made our arm hairs stand on end. It was both scary and thrilling.  They could have threatened or charged in efforts to protect themselves and their land, but they only stared.  It seems they kind of wanted to be where we were, but kind of wanted to run away at the same time. The elk hung around for 10-15 minutes, sometimes eating, sometimes watching, sometimes debating on which direction to go next. 

 If He Were Here

If grandpa had been with us, which he was supposed to be, like the elk he wouldn’t have quite known what to do.  He would have wanted to hoot and holler at seeing these magnificent creatures!  But knowing it would scare them, he would make great effort to stay calm and quiet, almost shaking with excitement.  One thing we know for sure, he would have made sure all of his grand kids set their eyes on these elk, encouraging them to soak in a moment that doesn’t come along often.

Since grandpa so loved elk, we like to think he visited us that day in the form of these magnificent creatures.  He left this earth very suddenly, without opportunity to say goodbye.  This has been hard on everyone, especially his wife.  He walked with her in all normalcy one day, and the next day he did not.  Even though the elk sighting doesn’t fill the void or heal the hurt, it provides somewhat of a band aid.  It is as if God sent grandpa’s favorite creatures to say “It’s ok, Grandpa is with your in spirit.  And he is doing fine.  He is with me.”


I totally believe God uses these forces of nature to bring us comfort when we are hurting, when we don’t know what to make of our new found situations.  When speaking of my family, I know the people we love are not with us in body.  I don’t even believe their souls exist here on earth.  But I do believe they might be able to send messages, and if not them, their almighty Creator, to give us hope, comfort and a smile.  Nature’s messages are one way God communicates His love.  And in addition to sending love, He lets us know that He has things under control, even when we feel so out of control.


Thank goodness, because there are days when I don’t know what to make of any part of this life.  I am thrilled to know there is someone out there who does.  


More Posts Like This One:

 Spring Gets a Blue Ribbon
 Losing An In Law- An Initial Response
 January 14, 2006- A Loved One Lost


Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.