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Plant Progress Report- A How To

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New Beginnings

For those of you who read my post January Brings Gardening to the Brain, I am showing my seed progress today.  You might have thought, “no one actually plants seeds indoors in January”, but really truly, I do.  And I did just a month ago.

Call me easily amused, but there is something exciting about seeing the little green nubs poke through the black soil just after the seeds sprout.  It is amazing to me that the simple combination of soil, seeds, water, light and air can create a beautiful green plant, and eventually colorful flowers.  Created not by me, even though I mix the elements, but by One that designed this process so perfectly and can make it happen over and over- the Creator God.  This process makes me feel hopeful for spring and thankful for the faithfulness in the seasons.  The below picture shows seeds just barely starting to sprout.

Plant Progress Report Seeds Sprouting Learning As I Go Jodi M Noord

A Plant Progress Report

Anyway, I came up with the following set up in order to utilize a sunny window.  My kitchen has one of the better sunlit  windows in the house, but the sink kind of hogs the counter space just under the window.  So I scrounged around in my basement, thinking I was going to use two shoe boxes and a board to elevate my seed stations.  But I found these make shift shelving units my dad gave me years ago.  They work perfectly for my seed planting purpose.

Plant Progress Report Seed Station Learning As I Go Jodi M Noord

My peat pots fit nicely in these disposable lasagna pans, which serve a dual purpose.  They catch all of the extra water that flows out the bottom of the pots, and they collect a little heat from the sun.  This makes for a warmer environment for the seeds during the very cold winter.  Plant Progress ReportGrowing Plants Learning As I Go Jodi M Noord

So here I have all flower varieties.  One Zinnia came up, one Statice, several Alyssum, several Cosmos, and several Gazanias. They are small but mighty- about 4 weeks old.  I did buy a small grow light this year to give the small plants an extra boost.  I found it on Amazon.  The lights are LED and it features a clip to keep it in place.  Very handy for my set up.

It isn’t too late to get some seeds started!  I might start some more pretty soon.  They are fun to watch, a good teaching tool for little ones, and the plants will save you money when you need to fill your outdoor flower beds this spring.  I would love to see pictures of your progress!  Let me know how it goes!







Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.