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Curveball- Suddenly Difficult News

Those of you that know me could predict the subject of this week’s blog.

The week has been very difficult. Although I physically sat at work I mentally existed elsewhere.  And my family is not even in the very center of the devastating news.

My very close friend and neighbor returned home from her family vacation with not rest, not fun stories, but a new diagnosis.  She has a brain tumor.

Suddenly Difficult News

She suffered from migraines while traveling and visited the local Urgent Care a couple of times with no solution.  On the drive home, her head hurt so badly that she started vomiting.  The local ER gave her a head scan which showed a mass toward the back of her brain.

The call came to my phone while the family still traveled toward home.  I reeled.  That poor family had to ride in the car for hours and hours with the new knowledge that mom has a brain tumor.  Their future lives might never be the same as what they have always known.  The thought of this car ride alone breaks my heart.

And then there is my friend.  A sweet, loving woman who only wants good for her family and those around her.  Why do these things happen to the best of people?  I still try to make sense of it all, knowing that some questions will never be answered.

Less than a week has passed since the start of what feels like a nightmare.  A biopsy has been done but still no diagnosis for this tumor.  The family and all of us wait with equal parts of eagerness and dread.  We want to know but don’t want to know what lies in that mass.  My friend lies in the hospital for rest and monitoring.

Sometimes the minutes and hours seem like days.  At times my stomach churns with grief.  But there are also times of hope in our big God.

If you are a pray-er, please remember my friend and her family in your prayers as they prepare for a new and difficult journey.

Update:  The hospital suddenly released Friend!  She has been home for one night.  We are so thankful to have her back in the neighborhood.  Her husband and 3 kids love her constant presence.  Still waiting for biopsy results, but at least she can wait in the comfort of home.

Lasts and Firsts- and Firsts

Support Teens While Stepping Back- Teens

Dreams and Contentment-


Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.