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Jodi M Noord De Brass

The Neighborhood on a Tuesday Morning

Well now that you have seen my apartment, let me take you around the neighborhood!  And Tuesday mornings are especially fun around here because the Market is open.  The Market is similar to a Farmer’s Market in Iowa, but with a wider variety of items for sale.  The Market is set up and open on Tuesdays and Saturdays in Goes. 

But I should back up.  As you have seen in previous pictures, the Goes Centrum is very historical.  I have not researched to know for sure, but I am guessing the buildings were build in the 1700s.  They are 2-3 floors tall and very close together, making the streets very narrow.  Every few blocks there is an open block, or a block with no buildings, used for community gatherings, the bi weekly Market, or various celebrations.  

Cars are only allowed on a few of these narrow streets, but you don’t see cars very often.  If a car meanders down a designated car street, he won’t get very far very fast.  He will have to yield to the many walkers and bikers already taking up the small area.  It would be very frustrating to drive a car through the sea of shoppers.


Jodi M Noord Cow Head
Jodi M Noord Church View
Jodi M Noord Brood and Banket

But back to the neighborhood and my daily walks.  I get some kind of walking in every day for different purposes.  Right now it is my only means of transportation, so sometimes my walking is for running errands.  Sometimes I go out specifically for exercise.  Sometimes I go out for sight seeing entertainment.  

These days, due to summer vacation season, it is extra busy in the Centrum.  There is almost always someone blocking my entry door while they are waiting for someone or something.  I have had bikes, strollers and human bodies parked in front of my door.  I am getting used to muttering “Pardon” as I squeeze my way through to the street.  So my journeys out start there.  (Right)

Jodi M Noord The Neighborhood Door

This morning I turned right out of my front door and headed one block to the Market.  I didn’t need anything, but the atmosphere is so fun and there is a lot to see.  I just like to see what vendors are up there and if there is any entertainment going on.  It is just something a little different than the average day.  

Last Saturday, Jeremy and I purchased fresh fruit and vegetables at the Market.  They have wonderful fresh produce.  The strawberries are out of this world.  The grapefruit was wonderful too.  The blueberries have much more flavor than I have had in a long time.  We also bought green beans, lettuce, broccoli and tomatoes.  All good.  

The Market also has clothing vendors, fresh seafood vendors, bakery vendors, shoe vendors, plant vendors, you name it.  It is so fun to wander through. 

JOdi M Noord Market
Jodi M Noord Flower stand
JOdi M Noord Fish stand
Jodi M Noord Market Sign
JOdi M Noord Cheese stand

One thing that surprises me about the market is their freedom with samples.  Not that I don’t appreciate a free sample, but they leave out piles of cut up fruits, vegetables and cheeses for passers by to grab. No one is necessarily monitoring these samples.  With the crowds of people out there, I can safely assume that all those piles of samples have been rifled through by many.  The sellers certainly don’t seem concerned about germ spreading.  And the customers don’t either!  Those piles of samples disappear pretty quickly!  I do grab a sample or two myself, but the set up surprises me after Covid.  Se la vie.

In addition to all the vendors, the Market often has additional entertainment.  The bands look rather unofficial but sound really good.  The group on the far right had some of their kids involved.  Just adds to the lively atmosphere.  

Jodi M Noord Band 2
Jodi M Noord Band 1
Jodi M Noord Market performers

After I wandered through the Market this morning, I walked down one of the streets with many retail clothing stores.  I am not much of a clothing shopper, but it is fun to just see what is around and see all the people in and out of the stores.  There is one store that looks familiar, The Body Shop.  I didn’t go in but it was good to see a familiar logo.  I did go in a store that is new to me, HEMA.  It is so interesting!  It isn’t huge, but it has both clothing and groceries.  There also is some household goods.  I learn something new every day.  After HEMA, I headed back to my apartment and stopped in a kitchen store that I am familiar with to get Jeremy an insulated drinking cup.  It is right next to the grocery store I go to almost daily, Albert Heijn.

And that is it for a walk around my neighborhood on a Tuesday morning.  I have to admit that I still get lost in the Centrum at times.  Many streets look alike and I am not always sure which direction I am heading.  But that is getting better.  And it is not so huge that I can’t eventually find something that looks familiar.  Wish I could show you all what the atmosphere is like over here.  It is hard to explain and pictures don’t do justice.  But I will keep trying!

Jodi M Noord Goes shopping street
Jodi M Noord Body Shop
Jodi M Noord Hema


Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.