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Jodi M Noord Middleburg Street

The Ride Over The Ocean

We have arrived in Goes, Netherlands! The town name is pronounced “Hoose.” About 30,000 people reside in this town year round. It is beautiful.

On July 15, we took a 6pm flight out of Des Moines to Minneapolis. We sat on the plane just outside the Des Moines airport a few minutes due to a big storm, the one where a tornado did some damage in Urbandale. The storm was moving pretty fast so we only waited about 10 minutes before take off. We had an hour layover in Minneapolis before the flight to Amsterdam, but that second flight was delayed due to runway congestion. That flight left about 2 hours later than intended. But it was an overnight flight, so to me it didn’t matter if we left when it was dark or darker. šŸ™‚

That flight didn’t seem to be a big deal to me. We were in the air about 7.5 to 8 hours. And guess what, they actually to give you a meal on international flights! I couldn’t believe it! The meal was just one step over a frozen tv dinner tray, but it tasted good at the time. They also give you a light breakfast about an hour before landing. In between meals I tried to sleep and was just a little successful. I dozed uncomfortably maybe 1.5 hours at a time. Between dozings I had to work out the kinks in my neck, hips and back. I tried to get up and walk around here and there to stretch muscles. And before I knew it, we were landing in Amsterdam. The time there is 7 hours later than Iowa time.

On The Ground Again

That is a busy and warm airport. They don’t make an effort to air condition well due to the large crowds and mild outdoor climate. We sweat quite a bit trying to find the baggage claim, and then lugging around our 4 suitcases. Jeremy had hired a driver, Murad, to bring us from the Amsterdam airport to Goes. But due to the fact that we landed late, needed to find our baggage and still get through customs, Murad had to wait quite a while for us. He was getting impatient and suggested that he might leave. We were panicking just a bit. But he was still around when we finally left the airport, and was friendly and helpful as we loaded his vehicle.

Wow, Murad was quite the driver! I could tell he does this often! After telling us it would be a 2 hour ride from Amsterdam to Goes, he put the petal down. He likes speed when moving forward and when applying the break. His weaving in and out of traffic skills were out of this world. And even though I should have been nervous about my physical safety, I feel asleep.

First Look At Our New Living Quarters

When we arrived at our apartment, we were met by Marietta, a woman hired by my husband’s employer to help us get settled. She helped us get our suitcases up the very narrow spiral steps to our second floor apartment. She showed us around the furnished 2 bedroom, 1 bath flat and then took Jeremy to the city offices to apply for a residence permit. I waited in the apartment and organized the things we had just dumped on the floor. When Marietta and Jeremy returned, Marietta took us for a car ride around the city, pointing out important and helpful places we might need in the future.

Marietta then said her final words of wisdom and left us to fend for ourselves. Jeremy and I grabbed a bite to eat at a Surinamese restaurant across the street. I have to admit, sitting in that strange restaurant, super tired, with everyone speaking Dutch around me, and looking toward crawling into an unfamiliar bed, I felt pretty sad and lonely. It had been a long couple of days, and I had no idea what the next day might bring. An unsettling feeling.

But the next day was bright and sunny and I couldn’t help but be in awe over the world around me. I took a walk to the grocery store to find something for supper, but got a little side tracked by the interesting neighborhood I now live in. It was fascinating to wander down the brick streets and narrow corridors, past many shops and restaurants, ending up in Old Goes, the historical area. I will leave you with pictures of Old Goes. In the next post I will tell you more about my initial findings regarding the interesting differences between life in Iowa and in Goes.


Thank you for joining me on my blog! I am a midwest mom of teenagers who just likes to share what I have learned. Whether I am writing about creating, eating, loss, or my faith, I hope that you can benefit from what I have come across over the years.

This Post Has 7 Comments

  1. Shelby

    Glad you made it safely, had a ride from the airport, could get some rest, and had Marietta to help get you settled. I can only imagine how lonely that would feel sitting amongst people only speaking Dutch! Iā€™m thankful a new day brought a new sense of wonder. The pictures are beautiful! I look forward to hearing more about Gose (thank you for the pronunciation!) and your adventures! Praying for you on this adventure! Thank you for taking the time to share with those of us living vicariously through you! Many blessings!

    1. Jodi

      Thank you so much for your comments! I appreciate the prayers because some parts of it are tough! But it is a blessing too. Hope you are well.

  2. Brenda Johnston

    Oh Jodi, I love this. Please post a lot. I am living vicariously through you right now!

  3. Julie DeVries

    I am glad that you guys arrived safely. The flowers are doing well. We have had some that were damaged by the storm on Monday evening by the wind. But otherwise they are doing well. I have made several arrangements & gave one to Marcia VL as a thank you for something that she gave me.
    Can’t wait for the next post!

  4. Sonya Natelborg

    Thanks for giving us little tidbits about beautiful Goes! You are greatly missed already and prayed for each day! Keep the fun stories coming. It’s fun to experience it through you.

  5. Rachelle Lorentzen

    Enjoy your time in The Nederlands. It is so easy to see so many European countries while you are there. Safe travels!

  6. Michelle M

    Jodi! Love the blog! What an adventure! I’m sure it will take a bit of time to feel settled!
    Keep up with the blog and pics! Know we’re all thinking of you!

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